The VOTING has begun at the Beadweaving Emporium Market, for our first challenge themed "New Horizons" These friendly & fun challenges are beneficial to our market for several reasons. They are a great way to increase our beadweaving skills, inspire us in a new and unexpected ways, and give us the opportunity to showcase our works. We ask that you please take the time to review the challenge pieces and then go to our offsite Beadweaving Emporium Blog at http://www.thebeadweavingemporium.blogspot.com to vote for your favorite.
The voting polls will be open from July 9th through July 15th, 2009.
The participants are as follows:
1. Sandfibers with You are my sunshine
2. Njema with New Horizons Bowl
3. Slavetobeads with Green Earth the New Horizon
4. Beadazzled of Oregon with A New Horizon; Sunrise
5. Three Fates Design with Rising Sun-New Horizon Necklace
6. Rachele's Originals with A New Horizon Barrette
7. Enchanted Beads with New Horizons Wedding Necklace
8. Beadsforever with Night Vision Necklace
Thanks again for your support!!
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