Monday, December 29, 2008

Sunday, December 28, 2008
There were 658 votes (hugely up again from the last month's number!) this month and with 31 gorgeous entries so we have a resounding winner with 133 votes (20% of the total number of votes). Congratulations to Karin of Gypsy Eyes Jewelry who won with her Queen of the Frozen Tundra necklace. It truly is a fascinating piece!
Karin says about this piece:
"The Queen is an exquisite hand sculpted and painted porcelain pendant by the fabulous artist Pat Swyler. The patina of her complexion is a lovely icy blue. The crown jewels of her woven head-dress are a shimmering raw silver-gray diamond and magical boulder opals, their brilliant flashes of color reminiscent of the Northern Lights.The necklace represents her kingdom: frost covered branches, snowflakes and icicles - all lovingly hand-beaded/ woven with tiny glass delica beads, opal, aquamarine, rainbow moonstone, pink kunzite, blue topaz and freshwater pearls." See Karin's gorgeous piece at: http://www.gypsyeyesjewelry.etsy.com/.
And, now onto the Jan/Feb Challenge titled: TROPICAL HOLIDAY! That sounds inviting, doesn't it - especially with the cold winter we're all experiencing this year already!
Hmmmm, I have my thoughts....guess I'd better not procrastinate on this one and start beading now. I just found out my next hand surgery is the beginning of January so that will put me out of the beading circle for about 3 months. Talk about pressure! OK, brain: engage!!! Entries are due Feb. 5th, 2009, I'll have to have mine done a month before that. Oh gosh, I'm too old for this kind of pressure......
1) SING: I mean, sing together, not plugged into a little hand-held thing that goes from the box straight to your head. I mean SING. Go caroling in your neighborhood. Just get a group of friends and family together, practice a few songs and walk through the streets together caroling. Yes, people might stare but you can invite them to come along with you and you might be very surprised at the outcome.
2) DO SOMETHING FOR SOMEONE ELSE: Go out of your way to do something special. It can be for a friend or a stranger. Visit someone who is shut-in; take a little homemade bread or bag of cookies and plan to spend an hour visiting and spreading the Season's cheer.
3) PLAY GAMES: No, not video games. REAL games. Remember charades? Cards? Monopoly? These are simple, uncomplicated games that everyone has and everyone can play and everyone already knows the rules to.
4) PUT ON A SHOW: Although this is still a holiday staple in some homes, children writing a short play of their own, singing songs and dancing around the living room has become a thing of the past. A children's program is a great project for the day after Christmas when the parents are tired but the kids are still wanting to relive the fun of Christmas morning.
5) MAKE HOMEMADE GIFTS OR DECORATIONS: The internet and magazines are filled with simple holiday crafts that are inexpensive and creative.
6) ENJOY THE DECORATIONS: In our town of Grants Pass, we are very lucky to have a festive and colorful downtown area. We will bundle up more than once this season, put the dogs in the car with us and venture into town to enjoy the decorations. All the old fashioned lamp posts are decorated, there are wonderful huge 7 foot tall holiday soldiers and fabulous free-standing electronic holiday boards that animate their stories and are accompanied by speakers and holiday music on both sides of the major streets in town. And this doesn't even count all the decorating each local business does. What does your town do for the season?
7) GIVE THE GIFT OF COUPONS: Always a classic, personal service coupons that are redeemable at a later date are the perfect way to give on a budget and they are truly a gift of oneself. Coupons good for babysitting, car washing, or special activities are a great way to give without getting out the credit card.
I am well aware that the success of this experiment depends on the ages of the children involved. Young children will get right on board, have a great time, generate a huge mess and make wonderful family memories. It may take a little more creativity to get the older children involved but it is well worth the effort.
A holiday season spent unplugged, together and engaged will send you and your family into the new year with all the good will and good cheer that you need to stay warm and happy throughout the cold months ahead.
Sending you and yours our very best for the holiday season and wishing you happiness and good health for the new year ahead.
Hugz from all of us at Beadazzled of Oregon
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Marie~France Bowers, French oil painter, and Dini Alves, a "bead-a-holic" from Oregon, have combined talents to create these little mini-art-delicacies. The "Beaded Iris" can be hung on the wall or can sit on a small easel on a coffee table. It's uniqueness will be sure to be a conversation piece!
THE JOURNEY: this little gem started in Marie~France's studio in her Pahrump, Nevada home in the desert. Then it was mailed to Dini's studio in the forests of southern Oregon. With the unique beadweaving added, the total concept was born. It is a 6X8 canvas.
...and it SOLD within less than 24 hours of posting it on Etsy!!!!
This is truly an OOAK (one-of-a-kind) venture, with more to come very soon ~ we hope you enjoy!
Marie-France and Dini; Proprietors; The French Quarter
NOTE: Double click on photo for close-up view.

For The Spreader of Love award, the rules are:
1. Post a copy on your blog
2. Mention who gave you the award
3. Pass the award on to 6 others, maybe more?
4. Leave a message on their blog letting them know the honor has been bestowed upon them.
I'm spreading the love to a few of my friends below ~ enjoy the fun, feel the warm fuzzies, and keep it going. TAG, you're "it!" (and check out the blogs of the talented folks below)
1. http://kristi-asliceoflifephotography.blogspot.com/
2. http://mainst-artists.blogspot.com/
3. http://sjm-artist.blogspot.com/
4. http://beadalicious.blogspot.com/
5. http://etsy-beadweavers.blogspot.com
6. http://smadarstreasure.blogspot.com/
7. http://beadsforever2.blogspot.com/
8. http://etsymetal.blogspot.com/
9. http://www.humblebeads.blogspot.com/
10. http://www.jangeisen.blogspot.com/

The entries for the challenge are in and they are simply beautiful, creative and amazing! Imagine that all of these entrants took the time and talent to create these inspiring challenge pieces! You can click on the "item title" in the participant list below and it links to the Etsy Shop listing of each entrant where you will see more detailed photos of each piece!
3. Winter's Court necklace - AmethystRavenstar
4. A Royal Affair - beadsforever
5. Snow Blind - artzilla
6. Ice Crystals Holiday Bracelet - arosebyname
7. Snow Queen necklace - CieloDesign
8. Jadis , Beadwoven Cuff - RegalBeads
9. The Snow Queen's Dandelion - divina
10. Snow Queen Choker - njema
11. Frozen Waters - Cuff - triz
12. Queen of Ice and Snow Necklace - HannahRachel
13. Snowdrop - ErtheFae
14. Ice Dream - nemeton
15. Queen of the Frozen Tundra - gypsyeyesjewelry
16. Snow Queen Beaded Cuff - celestialfoundations
17. Snowflake - ArtfulAr
18. Yuki Onna - Japanese Snow Woman - SmadarsTreasure
19. Anastasia choker - MCDdesigns
20. For the White Witch of Narnia - ThesePreciousThings
21. Snowflake Fairy - BeadazzledofOregon
22. Snow Queen - cigarboxbeads
23. Snow princess necklace - FleurDeIrk
24. Snow Queen Collar - LiciaBeads
25. Royal Crystal Necklace - SpringColors
26. Snowfall - beadsandblooms
27. Queen of the Snow - savoystudio
28. Snow Queen amulet bag - PFordCustomJewelry
29. Snow Queen Paisley Bracelet - myfairladyvt4
30. Victorian Icicles Necklace - FrancescasFancy
Friday, December 26, 2008

She wanted it for the holidays if possible but would understand if I couldn't get it done by then. I worked on it often during the last week and this is the final result.
Wear it in good health and a happy spirit, Billie!
NOTE: Double click on photo for close-up view.
Thursday, December 25, 2008

Thinking about the challenge spurred me on to using the wonderful mono-colors of winter. Being originally from Ohio (many decades ago), I do miss that gorgeous first snow - though don't miss shoveling the driveway! There is a laciness about those flakes as they wind their way through the trees and down to the ground. As kids, we used to try to catch the flakes on our tongues.
VOTE! (between Dec. 9-15th) I invite you to go to the Beadweavers blog site and vote on your favorite beaded creation that has entered this challenge. It's always such fun to see what other artists can create around the same theme!
AND ALWAYS SEARCH: for the tags EBW TEAM for unique beautiful beaded creations and EBWC for our monthly challenge entries in your Etsy searches. See you there!
NOTE: Double click on photo for close-up view.

Coming very soon to your local Beadazzled of Oregon's studio will be a wonderful little niche of new, innovative designs. No, they are not wearables! Yes, they are very unique and yes, they will be beaded!
French painter, Marie~France Bowers, has agreed to paint some of her indescribable "mini-paintings" and Beadazzled will custom-bead sculpture beadweavings to further enhance each individual specialty painting ~ an unusual blend of talents marry their techniques together to produce these truly original little masterpieces. Check back to this site often for the grand opening of our "The French Quarter!"
Wednesday, December 24, 2008

was born and raised in France. She moved to the United States after marrying her American partner; now, 43 years later, they are retired and live in Pahrump, NV. Their move from Oregon to Nevada in June of 2003 was to be a life-changing event. During that trip, Marie~France, while driving one of the family’s two vehicles, had a car accident that left her an incomplete quadriplegic (paralyzed from the chest down to her toes, with minimum use of her arms and no use of her hands). With her distinctive French accent, she reports, “..so let me tell you, that was quite a trip!”
The last 5 and a half years have been an emotional roller coaster, but Marie-France continues to meet the challenge with a positive outlook and with faith. Admittedly, she could not have met this challenge without the support of her caregiver husband, two adult children, family and friends.
Although her family was always the priority in her life, she found time to often play with her paints.
“My best teacher is in nature itself,” she says. “I recall sitting by the ocean with my family and I would just watch the movement of the sea as the waves came crashing in. Gently caressing the warm sand with my mind’s eye, I would register every shade of color in the water and the way it would recede back into the ocean, leaving traces of wet sand and dividing that sand into different shades of color. I would do that with everything in nature, imagining the palette I needed to acquire the same colors.”
“When my good friend Dini approached me with the idea of adding my paintings to her beads, I thought this was a great idea! Together, we have created ‘The French Quarter’, a collection of my handpainted mini paintings and Dini’s original beaded artwork ~ truly one-of-a-kind mini masterpieces. They can be hung on your wall or sit as a piece of art on your tabletop.”
Together, Marie~France and I sincerely hope you will enjoy visiting “The French Quarter” ~ every one of her paintings not only captures her love of flowers and nature itself but they also capture a piece of her sensitive heart. Enjoy in good health and happiness!

As anyone knows, the best way to hang necklaces is from expandable wooden coffee cup holders. They can be purchased inexpensively at any hardware store or craft emporium. Many of us have been doing it for decades, I mean really decades! While rummaging through my hanging necklaces a few days ago, some 50 years old, I came across the above pieces. Now... once you've stopped laughing, you'll realize that I'm sharing with you my deep, dark secret and I only do that with good friends. These 2 pieces are the first "beaded" necklaces I ever made. I thought they were creative and different. My husband was the first to agree: "they were different alright."
That winter of 2000 we went on a trip to Arizona, spending several of the worst winter months in the sunshine of the south. I was looking forward to making some more of those "different" card-neckpieces. While wandering around Old Town in Yuma one day, I spied a shop called the "Navajo Center." Sounded interesting to me and wandering inside, I began my real journey into beading. They had wonderful choices of genuine stones: turquoise, lapis, stone slices and more. The the entire middle of the store was filled with bins and bins of every kind of bead imagineable, in every color and texture. I must have played with those little things for hours and by the time I left the shop, I had signed up for my first "real" beading lesson. Today that teacher is one of my dearest friends but that's another chapter...
That was almost the beginning of my beading adventure because truthfully, it started with the photo above. That insatiable curiosity, that immeasurable feeling of gratification, that hunger for the next combination of colors and textures of those little round and square items with holes in them was born with that first lesson in the desert in the winter of 2000. That winter I was stricken quite ill and became what I am today: a beadaholic. Welcome to my world!