..."beaded art through the eyes of the beholder".

Monday, February 22, 2016

MONDAY's: "The Coloures of My Kaleidoscope Creations"

 ...a beadologist's adventure...

A few fellow beaders seem to be under the impression that I "make" these beaded kaleidoscopes out of beads ~ just to clarify, I do not. Here is the process that I have been using in my "Coloures..." FB posts,if you're interested:

1. (Pic #1) is a photo of an original beaded piece that I have made.
2. (Pic. #2) I have used a software program (Kaleidoscope.com) and I take a slice of that original photo and create a kaleidoscope design out of it.
3. (Pic. #3) is the inspiration photo that I used for the original piece; either through colors, subject matter, etc.

ThankX so much for following ~ hope you enjoy!

NOTE: Double click on photo for close-up view.

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